#LREO class cluster

#LREO: Class Cluster

[School Building Typology Series, 03]
July was all about the cluster type of school construction – also known as “school within a school.” This involves different architecture, new forms of teaching and modern pedagogical concepts.

Cluster means that learning groups work together spatially, e.g. all classes of a grade. Each class has its own space, but they share, for example, a “marketplace” where they meet during breaks. Or the teachers:inside this cluster have a common room. Or classes share bio, chemistry, craft rooms, etc.

Petra Moog and Florian Kretschmar demonstrate the possibilities of using clusters at schools in Germany and Austria, and school construction consultant Teun van Wijk shows examples from the Netherlands.

Here at any time to look

The format #LernräumeEntwickeln” is broadcast live once a month (Thursdays 6 pm) and thrives on the interactive exchange of guests and viewers.

School construction expert* team

  • Dr. Cornelia Dinsleder, Bildungswissenschaften + Lernraumentwicklung | PH Luzern (Schweiz)
  • Martina Hilligardt, Planung + Schulbauberatung
  • Basti Hirsch, Bildungsaktivist + Schulbauberater
  • Florian Kretzschmar, Pädagoge + Superheld
  • Dr. Petra Moog, Lernraumentwicklung + Naturwissenschaften | Sophia::Akademie Düsseldorf
  • Katrin Schwahlen, Digitalcoach + Medienexpertin | Berlin
  • Nicole Wentzel, Architektur + Gebäudewirtschaft