LEA is an international and multi-professional pilot project. Partner organizations from Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands are working collaboratively and across borders to develop digital tools.
Sophia::Academy (Germany)
DR. PETRA REGINA MOOG coordinates the LEA project. She is a founding partner and managing director of the non-profit Sophia::Akademie in Düsseldorf and heads the department of Participatory Process Support and Pedagogical Architecture.
She has worked in a variety of contexts: as a researcher, (college) teacher, author, evaluator, coach, process facilitator, and is a certified mediator.
She is particularly interested in the development of potential and participation in education as well as in the connection between art, culture and science, especially the STEM subjects.
As a biologist with a PhD and more than 20 years of expertise as a scientist in various ecological and biochemical laboratories in Europe, she is excited to break new ground and put innovations in education on a good path. Cross-border, multi-professional collaboration is particularly close to her heart and has led to the initiation and leadership of numerous European innovation projects.
TOM BRÜGGEMANN holds a Bachelor’s degree in European Administrative Sciences and a Master’s degree in Psychology. He is a shareholder of Sophia::Akademie and an expert in quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
He has very good experience as a process designer and facilitator in participatory processes as well as in the development and evaluation of psychosocial case studies in digital settings.
He is currently working full-time on his doctorate in a BMBF-funded research project on the digital education offensive for the Institute for School Development at the University of Dortmund.
KATRIN SCHWAHLEN combines science and communication. A biologist and journalist, she is also a public relations professional, blogger, author, trainer and presenter.
For more than ten years, she has headed the independent Berlin-based science store basis.wissen.schafft e.V. – we get knowledge rolling.
She has developed website formats for a Berlin-based continuing education provider and moderates a podcast.
For the association digitalcourage e.V. she is editor of the kurz&mündig brochure series on digital topics.
Her work focuses on digitization, feminism and education.
The SOPHIA::ACADEMY is a non-profit organization in North Rhine-Westphalia that supports development processes in the field of education in a sustainable and resource-friendly way by integrating potential for change into what already exists and has been tried and tested. Since its foundation in 2008 as a non-profit limited liability company, it has specialized in current educational topics (e.g. inclusion, participation, mediation, team development in transdisciplinary, multi-professional or intercultural settings) and process support.
Since 2014, she has been networked across Europe with the topic of learning space development and has been supporting the linguistic integration of people with a refugee and migration background (HISPI) in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area since 2015. It maintains about 30 cooperations with national and international partners.
Through its activities in the form of training, facilitation, publications and expert reports in the intersectoral and community education sectors, it directly reaches approximately 3,000 people per year.
In the two divisions “LernRAUMentwicklung” and “HISPI”, a total of 8 full-time and part-time employees as well as about 35 volunteers work together cooperatively.
Sophia::Akademie gGmbH receives its orders from ministries, municipalities, schools and universities.
Lucerne University of Education (Switzerland)
is a research associate at the Lucerne University of Teacher Education and project manager of LEA in Switzerland.
Research interests: participatory school building processes and appropriation of space, professional research, discursive practices of teacher cooperation, qualitative social research.
is a lecturer in design and technology and subject coordinator S1 at the PH Luzern.
Main fields of work: Textile and technical design, subject didactics and practical advice for students, continuing education and subject development at the interface between university and school.
Part of her research focuses on the perception, change and development of space by pupils and students.
ANDREAS HAMMON is a school space developer (architect, educator, Master of School Development).
His office Architektur & Entwicklungsräume advises and accompanies schools, communities, cities and companies on PHASE ZERO+, pedagogical-spatial planning and product development).
With the transdisciplinary and co-creative learning, teaching and research setting LernRAUMlabor, he opens reallabs in the field of school space development in cooperation with project schools and universities.
ULRICH KIRCHGÄSSNER is a lecturer in educational science at the Institute of Primary Education at the University of Teacher Education FHNW.
He led the PULS project Professional Support for Learning and School Space Development from 2017 – 2020).
Work and research interests: Teaching and learning research, participatory school building processes and space appropriation, processes of group dynamics and self-organization in groups.
MARIUS PORTMANN is a lecturer in design and technology, primary and secondary level 1; editorial member of the journal “Werkspuren” and co-author of the TTG teaching aid “Design-Studio” of the LMVZ.
He is working on the research project “Designprozess+”, which deals with questions of the added value of interdisciplinarity in university teaching with.
Main fields of work: Technical design as a subject, subject didactics and practical advice for students, further education and subject development at the interface between university and school.
ANNETTE TETTENBORN is head of the Institute for Research on Professions and Teaching at the PH Lucerne.
Research Interests: Educational psychology teaching-learning research, learning support in early science learning, reading promotion and career entry, and perspectives on higher education construction.
The importance of early participatory design of learning environments is highly relevant for Swiss (high) schools, as structural decisions in educational institutions have to meet changing pedagogical requirements.
The interdisciplinary LEA project group at the Lucerne University of Teacher Education implements the “Learning Environment Applications” by developing participatory methods of learning space development (in digital, hybrid and analog form) in three fields:
1. in the new construction project of the universities in Lucerne “Campus Horw
2. in secondary school teacher training at the Lucerne University of Teacher Education, and
3. in a school with teachers and students in the canton of Lucerne
In the new building project Campus Horw (completion planned for 2030), the participation of students and lecturers as well as their dialogical exchange will be established and continuously pursued. The methodological approaches to participation will be discussed with the Dutch partner of the EU project and prepared as a contribution to the process manual Participation.
In the teacher training SEK1, the possibilities of learning space design are integrated into the course of studies through participation in lectures and workshops. Impulses and suggestions from the development of games for PHASE ZERO in the construction process by the partner institution (University of Bolzano) are taken up. The subject “Textile and Technical Design” is testing interdisciplinary collaboration with the subject “New Media and Computer Science”: Here, architecture shifts into the virtual when it comes to exploring the potential of augmented reality as a new learning space.
In a school in the canton of Lucerne, a Learning SPACE Lab is conducted – together with a School SPACE Developer (part of the LEA project team), local teachers and classroom researchers. Questions relevant to the occupational field are developed (design-based research) and concrete structural changes are made to the learning environment. The results will be processed as contributions to online continuing education (Massive Open Online Course – MOOC).
The LUCERNE UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION sees itself as a competence and impulse center for teacher education. It offers various courses in education as well as the areas of continuing education, research and services.
University of Innsbruck (Austria)
HEIKE BABLICK has been teaching and researching at the Institute for Experimental Architecture.Structural Engineering since 2008, since 2013 as Senior Lecturer. In her architectural teaching, the focus in design and construction design is on climate-friendly, economical use of resources and consideration of local potential.
In parallel, knowledge management and the development of e-learning strategies have been among their central tasks from the very beginning. From 2008 onwards, she carries out a series of eLearning projects funded by the University of Innsbruck and develops the institute’s platform exp.wiki into a shared knowledge resource and a multimedia project and teaching archive.
The platform has since served as a collaborative and cumulative knowledge platform for research and teaching. It also includes an extensive digital catalog of the collection of physical material samples (Material Library) and a media library that holds hundreds of lecture and lecture videos.
As hheiKE/NZwebarchitects she has been developing media and web projects together with Karl-Heinz Machat since 1999, mainly in the field of further education and universities in Austria, USA, Singapore, Great Britain, Italy and Switzerland.
KARL-HEINZ MACHAT learned drawing from Wolf Vostell and studied medicine, philosophy and architecture in Innsbruck, Dallas and Los Angeles; his teachers include Peter Cook, Neil Denari and Lebbeus Woods.
As an architectural and media designer, he is concerned with the use and impact of information technologies in real and virtual environments. As heiKE/NZ webarchitects, together with Heike Bablick, he has carried out numerous projects in Austria, USA, Singapore, Great Britain, Italy and Switzerland.
Clients include Zaha Hadid Architects London, Swiss Re, Harvard University, Northeastern University Boston, U.S. Department of Justice, World Bank Institute, University of Innsbruck.
In addition, Karl-Heinz Machat has been a lecturer at the Institute for Design/ Studio2 of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Innsbruck since 2003 and deals with methodologies of design development and media theories on architecture in design studios and seminars.
In art and publication projects, he deals concretely with implications and questions of the aesthetics of the digital age.
Institute for Experimental Architecture.Structural Engineering
The Institute for Experimental Architecture at the University of Innsbruck deals with advanced experimental design and construction methods. In the course of exploring parametric design and generative CAD/CAM strategies for shape generation, new spatial conditions are examined and evaluated for their architectural qualities.
The Department of Structural Engineering is particularly concerned with questions of constructability, materiality, and the structural feasibility of such new spatial concepts, increasingly addressing issues such as social intelligence, spatial awareness, and individuation.
The know-how gained over time and the findings of this research activity have been passed on for some time by means of knowledge management strategies in the teaching and training of students and scientific staff.
Since the summer semester 2020, there has been a cooperation between the Institute and the Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol PHT with the aim of constructing an experimental building as a “living laboratory” for students of primary education. It is intended to confront educators with the aesthetics and effects of space already during their training and to motivate them to explore it.
Institute for design/ sTUDIO 2
Studio 2 at the Institute of Design of the Faculty of Architecture is dedicated to one of the central tasks of architecture, the investigation, development and design of experiential spaces for people and the associated architectural interventions. The research focus is on “Man and Space”: the perception and effect of space and its material and immaterial qualities. This includes in particular the medial and communicative significance of architecture.
Philosophy, art, natural and social sciences are the reference sciences of the interdisciplinary oriented working method of the research area. The paradigm shift of the digital revolution and the multi-layered examination of its consequences for the design of spaces are the focus of research and teaching.
ICSadviseurs (Netherlands)
TEUN VAN WIJK has more than 35 years of experience as a school construction and education consultant in combining learning with learning environments, often with surprising and innovative results.
This is always done together with the future users and encourages them to break out of the usual thought structures and to go new ways. To this end, he has developed various effective methods that stimulate creativity, forward thinking and collaboration. In many cases, he himself oversees the design phase (PHASE ZERO) with the goal of maintaining a focus on education. His projects range from elementary school, secondary schools and universities to research centers in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Oman.
The consultants of ICSadviseurs are experts in the interconnection of education and architecture. They come from the fields of education, change management, public administration, urban planning, architecture, construction, business development, project management, and financial management.They help bring educational ideas to life and provide advice and support at every stage of the construction process. The result: a healthy, sustainable, flexible, efficient and inspiring learning environment.
Project Lern-Raum: a German-Dutch cooperation between the ZfsL-Düsseldorf, teachers and learners, scientific companions, school building consultants and product experts. The project is an invitation to teachers to experiment in our project, to gain experience, to try new things, to redesign familiar learning spaces and fill them with new meaning. The Learning Room project is located in the Rijn-Maas Centrum at ZfsL-Düsseldorf.
University of Bolzano (Italy)
BEATE WEYLAND ist Professorin für Didaktik an der Freien Universität Bozen. Sie begleitet Lehrerinnen und Lehrer dabei, Räume und Formen des Lehrens und Lernens in Schulen neu zu überdenken und dabei auch Kinder und Jugendliche einzubeziehen.
Sie forscht zum Verhältnis von Pädagogik und Architektur und Design sowie zu Fragen der didaktischen Innovation in Schulen. Sie hat mehrere Wege der gemeinsamen Gestaltung in den Prozessen des Neubaus oder der Renovierung sowie der einfachen Aneignung und des Überdenkens von Schulgebäuden beschritten und bewegt sich im italienischen und deutschsprachigen Raum zwischen Konferenzen und Tagungen zur Qualität von Bildungsräumen.
Hauptforschungsinteressen: Gemeinsame Planung, offene und sensorische Didaktik, Beziehung zwischen Didaktik, Architektur und Design, Beziehung zwischen Schule und Natur.
ALESSANDRA GALLETTI ist eine Architektin und beschäftigt sich mit inklusivem Design und Lernräumen. Sie führt Schulungen, Beratungen und gemeinsame Designaktivitäten durch.
Hauptforschungsinteressen: Shared Design, inklusive Gestaltung von Schulräumen.
TERENCE LEONE ist Lehrer und Doktorand an der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften der UNIBZ.
Hauptforschungsinteressen: gemeinsame Gestaltung und Nutzung von Bildungsräumen „außerhalb des Klassenzimmers“.
Die Projektgruppe LEA – UNIBZ hat bereits Erfahrungen mit der Durchführung gemeinsamer Gestaltungsprozesse und der PHASE NULL gesammelt. Dabei wurden die Schulgemeinschaften in die Entwicklung innovativer Ideen für das „Bewohnen“ der Schule und der Kultur- und Bildungsräume einbezogen.
Die partizipative Gestaltung von Schulräumen hat das grundlegende Ziel, ein tiefes Verständnis für die Bedürfnisse aller Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft zu ermöglichen. Das ist die Grundlage für die Konstruktion von personalisierten und inklusiven Lösungen. Sie wird genutzt, damit die Schule als harmonischer Organismus funktionieren kann.
Die UNIVERSITÄT BOZEN ist ein dreisprachiges Universitätsinstitut, das sich um die Verflechtung und den kulturellen Austausch zwischen der italienischsprachigen und der deutschsprachigen Kultur kümmert und sich dem metalinguistischen Universum der englischsprachigen Welt öffnet.
Die Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften bietet Studiengänge für angehende Erzieherinnen und Erzieher, Lehrerinnen und Lehrer für Kindergarten und Grundschule, sowie Studiengänge für Sozialpädagogen und Kommunikationswissenschaftler an.
Die kulturelle Lebendigkeit der Fakultät wird durch die vielfältige Präsenz von Wissenschaftlern und Experten bestätigt, die sich alle der Erforschung einer aktiven, werkstattbasierten und offenen Didaktik verschrieben haben. Das Herzstück der Fakultät ist eine Lernwerkstatt, in der eine große Auswahl an Unterrichtsmaterialien aus ganz Europa gesammelt wird. Die aktiven Labore und Projekte der Fakultät zeichnen sich durch einen großzügigen Umgang mit der Natur und den Pflanzen aus. So wurden ganz aktuell zwei grüne Klassenzimmer realisiert, in denen nicht weniger als 120 Pflanzen wachsen.