In the coming years, more than 100 billion euros are expected to be spent on school and educational buildings in Europe. In the German-speaking countries alone, investments of more than 67 billion euros are currently expected by 2030.
Although more and more experts are realizing the important role that space plays in education, this topic has not been addressed in a more appropriate and structured way in any of the training professions involved (administrative employees of the municipalities) and courses of study (architecture, administrative sciences, real estate management, specialist planning of landscape architecture, teaching at all types of school). way forward. Up to now there have also only been a few offers for further training without reliable continuity.
At the same time, with every new school construction (re)project, the need and demand for expert school construction consultants increases – both in the fast-growing cities and in rural areas. The last wave of school construction was in the 1970s, more than 50 years ago!
The participatory involvement of users is also becoming increasingly important in planning processes. In the meantime, most major German cities have established school building guidelines that prescribe the participation of all school stakeholders (learners, teachers and parents) (e.g. Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf, Cologne).
But participation needs to be learned; because dealing with the needs of school actors requires experience and the right tools. Not only many municipalities lack the necessary know-how, but also the different professional fields of modern school construction planning.
In view of the current wave of school construction, time is of the essence. This is where the LEA project comes in.
Five institutions from five countries are involved in the development of the tools mentioned. All partners are active nationally and internationally in research, teaching and practice.
Sophia:: Academy (Germany)
ICSAdviseurs (Netherlands)
University of Innsbruck (Austria)
University of Bolzano (Italy)
Lucerne University of Education (Switzerland)
September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2023
by the European Union, Erasmus+ and the Swiss Movetia Foundation. Total volume: approx. 386.00 euros.