#LREO: Developing learning spaces online - learning landscapes © Sophia-Akademie

#LREO: Thriving Learning Landscapes

[School Building Typology Series, 04]
The fourth part of the series School Building Typologies is about learning landscapes, i.e. large school spaces without permanently enclosed classrooms.

Learning landscapes already exist in some schools. They are characterized by transparency, flexibility, openness and diversity. Petra Moog, Florian Kretschmar, Andreas Hammon and Basti Hirsch present international examples of why this is a rather captivating type of school.

Here at any time to look

The format #LernräumeEntwickeln” is broadcast live once a month (Thursdays 6 pm) and thrives on the interactive exchange of guests and viewers.

School construction expert* team

  • Dr. Cornelia Dinsleder, Educational Sciences + Learning Space Development | PH Luzern (Switzerland)
  • Martina Hilligardt, Planning + School Construction Consulting (@m_hilligardt)
  • Basti Hirsch, education activist + school building consultant (@cervus).
  • Florian Kretzschmar, educator + superhero (@learning_space_ent)
  • Dr. Petra Moog, Learning Space Development + Natural Sciences | Sophia::Akademie Düsseldorf (@SophiaAkademie)
  • Katrin Schwahlen, digital coach + media expert | Berlin (@wechselwissen)
  • Nicole Wentzel, Architecture + Building Management