
Four tools for digital and analogue use will be developed during the 36-month term.


The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) offers interactive videos, self-study elements and forums that are available online at any time – free of charge and freely accessible. You can log in with the access data rundgang and lea_MOOC_2024, to familiarize yourself with the structure and content of the course.


is a browser-based application developed to support users by offering more than 660 pictures of learning environments using 30 different space categories. Sharing and discussing the presented ideas encourage to develop own pedagogical-spacial needs at the local level.

QR code for the LEA app

or take a photo of the QR code with your smartphone and open the app


makes it possible to identify the requirements for innovative learning spaces across all ages and professions. This is how analog and digital levels are smartly connected. Pleae, find all pdf material developed by clicking the buttons.

Process manual

Practical guidelines for networking pioneering pedagogy, modern administrative action and sustainable architecture. You can download the manuals in PDF format here.