[School Building Typology Series, 02]
ClassroomPLus means that every classroom has a differentiation room, i.e. a room for internally differentiated instruction.
Petra Moog and Florian Kretschmar show in the Livetalk #LernRäumeEntwickelnOnline how easy it is to install such a KlassenraumPLUS even in old buildings, what special significance it has for different learning groups and how it is best used.
The format #LernräumeEntwickeln” is broadcast live once a month (Thursdays 6 pm) and thrives on the interactive exchange of guests and viewers.
School construction expert* team
- Dr. Cornelia Dinsleder, Bildungswissenschaften + Lernraumentwicklung | PH Luzern (Schweiz)
- Martina Hilligardt, Planung + Schulbauberatung
- Basti Hirsch, Bildungsaktivist + Schulbauberater
- Florian Kretzschmar, Pädagoge + Superheld
- Dr. Petra Moog, Lernraumentwicklung + Naturwissenschaften | Sophia::Akademie Düsseldorf
- Nicole Wentzel, Architektur + Gebäudewirtschaft