LREO: school building typology 1 - corridor school

#LREO: In the beginning was the corridor school

[School Building Typology Series, 01]
Whether elementary school, high school or vocational college – the corridor school type is widespread. Its characteristic: nothing. Apart from being a traffic area, i.e. without any educational use, the bare corridor has no other function. Petra Moog, school building consultant, and Florian Kretzschmar, teacher, describe corridor schools and present alternatives.

About one-third area is not used in the corridor schools. A lot of space that is wasted. So everything that is pedagogically exciting and useful has to happen on the rest of the floor space, i.e. in the classrooms.

The example of a Viennese school shows how the so-called traffic areas can be used multifunctionally.

You can check out the whole livetalk here:

The format #LernräumeEntwickeln” is broadcast live once a month (Thursdays 6 pm) and thrives on the interactive exchange of guests and viewers.


School construction expert* team

  • Dr. Cornelia Dinsleder, Bildungswissenschaften + Lernraumentwicklung | PH Luzern (Schweiz)
  • Martina Hilligardt, Planung + Schulbauberatung
  • Basti Hirsch, Bildungsaktivist + Schulbauberater
  • Florian Kretzschmar, Pädagoge + Superheld
  • Dr. Petra Moog, Lernraumentwicklung + Naturwissenschaften | Sophia::Akademie Düsseldorf
  • Nicole Wentzel, Architektur + Gebäudewirtschaft