#LearningSpacesDevelop: In February 2022, our livestream was about participatory learning and meeting spaces in universities. Guests will be the architects and lecturers Heike Bablick and Karl-Heinz Machat from Austria and Ulrich Kirchgässner, pedagogue and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland.
They vividly demonstrate the creative possibilities that lie dormant in undefined spaces and in cross-disciplinary and cross-generational collaboration.
The format #LernräumeEntwickeln” is broadcast live once a month (Thursdays 6 pm) and thrives on the interactive exchange of guests and viewers.
School construction expert* team
- Dr. Cornelia Dinsleder, Bildungswissenschaften + Lernraumentwicklung | PH Luzern (Schweiz)
- Martina Hilligardt, Planung + Schulbauberatung
- Basti Hirsch, Bildungsaktivist + Schulbauberater
- Florian Kretzschmar, Pädagoge + Superheld
- Dr. Petra Moog, Lernraumentwicklung + Naturwissenschaften | Sophia::Akademie Düsseldorf
- Nicole Wentzel, Architektur + Gebäudewirtschaft